Navigation / Entire / Unisex / Cold water buoyant suit.
With the same characteristics of a modern sailing suit, AMAROK buoyant suit is ideal for boat daily navigation and winter fishing.
Baltic’s multiple buoyancy system offers features as waterproof, additionl buoyancy, and cold protection.
Two years of warranty.
With the CE make, Baltic’s buoyant suits are tested and approved by:
ISO12402-5 (50N buoyancy – EN393)
ISO 15027-1 Class D (thermal properties of immersion suits)
One of the criteria is that during a period of two hours, whereby five persons with their individual buoyant suit are in water of 10 °C, buoyant suits shall not lose more than 2 °C of core tempreture. The test subjects in the Baltic Sea lost only 1.1 °C.
Approximate weight 2.0 kg (XL size)