Privacy policy
In compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, hereafter GDPR, user details shall be filed for the maintenance and fulfilment of the relationship with the company, which includes sending communications.
User details shall be discolsed in cases whereby there is maintenance, fulfilment, and control of the relationship with the company; and authorisations from primary regulations. Pursuant to the GDPR, users may exercise their rights to access, rectify, delete, or oppose against TRIDENTE, domiciled at Rúa do Marqués de Valterra, 5 Bajo, Vigo; 36202, by providing photocopies of their identity card, DNI.
Subject to obligation of secrecy, the contents of messages and of attached documents are exclusively for their recipients. In the event of not being the recipients, notification, incommunicado detention, and deletion are urged.
Service provider of information society must take into account information provided to its service recipients through its ‘privacy policy’; provide additional legal texts related to compulsory regulations, including but not limited to general terms and conditions of business, intellectual and industrial property, conditions and liability of the use of website, any other provisions of the Law 34/2002, on 11th of July, on services of information society and of e-commerce apart from its Article 10; and complete its necessary information.